Brandbank @ Sync the City 2016

Product Data and Images from Brandbank via our Web Service, Brandbank on Demand... or a spreadsheet

Brandbank are an aggregator of data and images operating in Europe, Asia and North America. We capture product back of pack data and images and distribute to a variety of customers. Normally this is retailers, but also companies who analyse nutritional and product data.

Here you will find information on how to get Products from the Brandbank services. We don't want you to get bogged down learning the Brandbank services so we have created examples to help you on the way. Stuart Tottle from Brandbank is also at Sync the City to help with any questions (tel: 07972 773 788).

The Products

There are 873 products available from the following categories (please find Stuart if you want specific products and we will hopefully be able to help)

  • Dairy & Bread (181)
  • Drinks (472)
  • Frozen Foods (4)
  • Grocery (9)
  • Household & Garden (1)
  • Kitchen & Bathroom (69)
  • Skin and Hair Care (81)
All products have a single T1 front on image of the product. (Other images are also available, please ask)

Click here to download a Zip file with the available GTIN's (CSV and JSON format) with example product data. It's password protected so come and find Stuart.

Brandbank On Demand (BBoD)

BBoD is our on demand service to get rich content in pre-formatted html that complies with applicable legislation (eg EU 1169). We have created two templates for the event, one for the images and one for the data.

What do I do?

  • Make an ajax call using the URL's below (changing the GTIN and Transform Key for each product)
  • Inject the returned HTML into your application

BBoD Documentation


The templates do not have any styling, but each section has a unique class. We can also make changes to the templates if required

View Example on Plunkr

Web Service API

Our Web Service allows consumers to download data in XML format. The XML contains URL's in the asset element from which the images can be downloaded. The intention is for consumers to store the data and images locally within their own repositories as it's not an 'on demand' service. Please limit your requests to 30 products in each call as we have another service to download products and images 'en mass'

What do I do?

  • Get credentials (Speak to Stuart)
  • Call GetProductDataForGTINs method with the credentials and GTIN(s)
  • Store the data
  • Download the image(s) from the URL and store
  • (optional) Download XSD Schema for XML

We have examples in C# and NodeJs in a Github repo

View Examples on GitHub